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Qty. Item Description Price Total
1Ding The Life of JN DarlingLiterature 19.95 19.95
1Handbook of Fish and Game StampsLiterature175.00175.00
1Prints of J.N. DarlingLiterature 19.95 19.95
1The Wild Duck Chase Hard CoverLiterature 18.50 18.50
1Duck Stamp St and Wild Duck Chase SCLiterature 29.95 29.95
1Duck Stamp St and Wild Duck Chase HCLiterature 37.50 37.50
1The Wild Duck Chase Soft CoverLiterature 13.95 13.95
1RW46 Hinged-FVFFederal Duck Stamp 0.00 0.00
Shipping ($2.00 minimum Foreign, Alaska, and Hawaii may be higher): 28.00
Sub Total + Shipping (Foreign, Alaska, and Hawaii may be higher):342.80

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