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Letter to the Publisher
Dear Mr. Dumaine,
It was with great interest (and some trepidation) that I read your annual state duck stamp review.
My name is David Sellers. I painted the 2000-2001 Alabama state duck stamp and managed to attain the “hodge-podge award” for this year’s review.
I read the review on the Sam Houston stamp site. (Note to Duck Report readers: check our website for news and updates – added more frequently than we can get a newsletter to the printer! shduck.com)
When I composed the stamp design, I was inspired by seeing bufflehead flying with the wind and zipping past a duck blind. I had not intended to portray them landing as you indicated in your article. When pressured, ducks will frequently turn with the wind and rocket away. I’ve always been impressed with how they bounce and twist as they go whizzing past. It was this erratic, rapid flight that I had endeavored to depict.
I don’t disagree that the design is a bit confusing. In fact, I was a little disappointed with the stamp size version of the design. When the image was reduced, it became difficult to figure out exactly what was happening as the two birds were superimposed. Strangely enough, I think that the odd arrangement helped to differentiate my design from the other entries.
I am new to the world of wildlife art. In fact the state stamp was only my second painting. Being a novice, I am naturally eager to learn as much as I can about design and composition. I have your book “The Duck Stamp Story,” and have a great respect for your experience and your opinion. I would appreciate any additional advice or constructive criticism that you would be willing to offer.
I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Sincerely, David Sellers |
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