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Norlien wins Minnesota Contest
A red-breasted merganser will be featured on the 2000 Minnesota waterfowl stamp. The painting by Kim Norlien of Blaine, Minn., was chosen from among 53 entries in the stamp contest.
"The Minnesota contest is the best and toughest state contest in the country, because of the strength of the art community," said Dave Schad, the DNR stamp contest coordinator. "We appreciate the effort made by all entrants, and hope they continue their excellent work."
Six Mississippi Flyway species were eligible as subjects for the 2000 contest. Minnesota is trying to get all flyway species onto a Minnesota stamp at least once. The 2001 contest will include the five remaining species: oldsquaw, ruddy duck, black duck, white-winged scoter and common merganser.
The 2000 stamp, which will be Minnesota’s 24th, will be available in March.
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