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Tennessee affixed their stamp to computer cards from a coil format. A few dozen were still found on the coil rolls! Some were without the date and serial number, and some withoutonly the serial number! Stamps are$30 each, or twice for a pair. Order TN10E or TN10P
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State Duck Stamps

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Cat. No.







Est. Print

AR11981 45.00 Mallard6.00Lee LeBlanc • 965.00
AR21982 40.00 Wood duck6.00Maynard Reece  565.00
AR31983 55.00 Green-winged teal6.00David Maass  75.00 540.00
AR41984 20.00 Pintail6.00Larry Hayden  95.00 515.00
AR51985 12.00 Mallard5.50Ken Carlson  25.00 490.00
AR61986 11.00 Mallard5.50John Cowan  95.00 450.00
AR71987 11.00 Wood duck7.00Robert Bateman  25.00 435.00
AR7B1987 12.00 Wood duck5.50Robert Bateman 
AR81988 10.00 Pintail7.00Maynard Reece  125.00 365.00
AR8B1988 12.00 Pintail5.50Maynard Reece  125.00
AR91989 10.00 Mallard7.00Phillip Crowe  25.00 315.00
AR101990 12.00 Black duck / mallard7.00David Maass  40.00 315.00
AR111991 10.00 Sulpher River wigeon7.00Daniel Smith  25.00 290.00
AR121992 12.00 Shirey Bay shoveler7.00Jim Hautman  25.00 650.00
AR131993 12.00 Grand Prairie mallard7.00Ken Carlson  25.00 310.00
AR141994 14.00 Canada goose7.00Daniel Smith  25.00 225.00
AR151995 14.00 Mallard7.00Larry Hayden  50.00 200.00
AR161996 15.00 Black lab / Mallard7.00Phillip Crowe  300.00
AR171997 15.00 Chocolate lab / Mallard7.00Larry Chandler 
AR181998 12.00 Yellow lab / Mallard7.00John Dearman  25.00 250.00
AR191999 12.00 Wood duck7.00Jim Hautman  25.00 135.00
AR202000 12.00 Golden retriever / mallard7.00Larry Chandler  50.00 135.00
AR212001 12.00 Canvasback7.00David Maass  40.00 135.00
AR222002 12.00 Mallard7.00Phillip Crowe  25.00 135.00
AR232003 14.00 Mallard/Ches. Bay Retr.7.00Zettie Jones  25.00 135.00
AR242004 12.00 Mallard7.00Ralph McDonald  25.00 135.00
AR24A2004 30.00 Non-resident20.00Ralph McDonald  35.00
AR252005 12.00 Mallards0.00Larry Chandler  50.00
AR25A2005 30.00 Non-resident0.00Larry Chandler  75.00
AR262006 12.00 Mallard0.00Scot Storm  25.00
AR26A2006 30.00 Non-resident0.00Scot Storm  35.00
AR272007 12.00 Mallard/Black Lab0.00Phillip Crowe  25.00
AR27A2007 28.00 Mallard/Black Lab0.00Phillip Crowe  35.00
AR282008 11.00 Black lab/mallard0.00Cynthie Fisher  25.00
AR28A2008 28.00 Non-resident0.00Cynthie Fisher  35.00
AR292009Hooded mersanger0.00Joe Hautmann 
AR29A2009 28.00 Non-resident0.00  35.00
AR302010 10.00 Black lab0.00Phillip Crowe  25.00
AR30A2010 28.00 Non-resident0.00  35.00
AR312011 10.00 Mallard0.00Jim Hautman  25.00
AR31A2011 28.00 Non-resident0.00  35.00
AR322012 10.00 Green-winged teal0.00 
AR32A2012 28.00 Non-resident0.00 
AR332013 10.00 Mallard0.00 
AR33A2013 39.00 Non-resident0.00  100.00
AR342014Mallard0.00Jim Hautman 
AR34A2014 39.00 Non-resident0.00Jim Hautman 
AR352015 10.00 Snow goose0.00David Maass 
AR35A2015 39.00 Non-Resident0.00David Maass 
AR362016 10.00 Mallard/black lab0.00 
AR36A2016 38.50 Non-Resident0.00 
AR372017 10.00 Mallard/yellow lab0.00Robert Hautman 
AR37A2017 38.50 Non-Resident0.00 
AR382018 10.00 Ring-necked duck0.00 
AR38A2018 38.50 Non-Resident0.00 
AR392019 12.00 Mallard0.00 
AR39A2019 39.00 Non-resident0.00 
AR402020 10.00 Green-winged teal0.00 
AR40A2020 42.50 Non-resident0.00 
AR412021 10.00 Black lab/mallard/decoy0.00Jim Hautman 
AR41A2021 42.50 Non-resident0.00Jim Hautman 
AR422022 10.00 Mallard0.00Clay Conner 
AR42A2022 42.50 Non-resident0.00 

Hunter Stamps
AR1h1981 55.00
AR2h1982 40.00
AR3h1983 550.00
AR4h1984 20.00
AR5h1985 12.00
AR6h1986 11.00
AR7h1987 11.00
AR8h1988 10.00
AR9h1989 10.00
AR10h1990 12.00
AR11h1991 10.00
AR12h1992 12.00
AR13h1993 12.00
AR14h1994 14.00
AR15h1995 14.00
AR16h1996 14.00
AR17h1997 15.00
AR18h1998 12.00
AR19h1999 12.00
AR20h2000 11.00
AR21h2001 11.00
AR22h2002 11.00
AR23h2003 14.00
AR24h2004 11.00
AR25Ah2005 26.50
AR25h2005 10.00
AR26Ah2006 26.50
AR26h2006 10.00
AR27Ah2007 26.50
AR27h2007 10.00
AR28Ah2008 26.50
AR28h2008 10.00
AR29Ah2009 26.50
AR29h2009 10.00
AR30Ah2010 26.50
AR30h2010 10.00
AR31Ah2011 26.50
AR31h2011 10.00
AR32Ah2012 26.50
AR32h2012 10.00
AR33Ah2013 39.00
AR33h2013 10.00
AR34Ah2014 39.00
AR34h2014 10.00
AR35Ah2015 39.00
AR35h2015 10.00
AR36Ah2016 38.50
AR36h2016 10.00
AR37Ah2017 38.50
AR37h2017 10.00
AR38Ah2018 38.50
AR38h2018 10.00
AR39Ah2019 39.00
AR39h2019 12.00
AR40Ah2020 42.50
AR40h2020 10.00
AR41Ah2021 42.50
AR41h2021 10.00
AR42Ah2022 42.50
AR42h2022 10.00
Governor Edition Stamps
See complete list of Governor Edition stamps
AR18G(s)1998 250.00 Hand-signed by Mike Huckabee ®
AR19G(s)1999 275.00 Hand-signed by Mike Huckabee ®
AR20G(s)2000 275.00 Hand-signed by Mike Huckabee ®
AR21G(s)2001 275.00 Hand-signed by Mike Huckabee ®
AR22G(s)2002 275.00 Hand-signed by Mike Huckabee ®
AR23G(s)2003 POR Hand-signed by Mike Huckabee
AR25G(s)2005 225.00 Huckabee
AR24G(s)2004 250.00 Huckabee
AR26G(s)2006 POR Huckabee
AR27G(s)2007 POR Beebe

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