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Which artist has the honor of painting the most state duck stamp designs? (Hint: he also has a federal stamp to his credit.)

Ans. Robert Steiner with over 60 different state designs, and one federal, RW65.
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State Duck Stamps

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Cat. No.







Est. Print

CO11990 12.00 Canada goose5.00Robert Steiner  30.00 250.00
CO21991 15.00 Mallard5.00Robert Steiner  30.00 250.00
CO31992 12.00 Pintail5.00Charles Allen  25.00 250.00
CO41993 12.00 Green-winged teal5.00Dan Andrews  25.00 200.00
CO51994 12.00 Wood duck5.00Sarah Woods  200.00
CO61995 12.00 Bufflehead5.00Cynthie Fisher  25.00 200.00
CO71996 12.00 Cinnamon teal5.00Bill Border  25.00 200.00
CO81997 10.00 Wigeon5.00Gerald Putt  25.00 200.00
CO91998 10.00 Redhead5.00Cynthie Fisher  25.00 175.00
CO101999 10.00 Blue-winged teal5.00Cynthie Fisher  150.00
CO112000 10.00 Gadwall5.00Cynthie Fisher  150.00
CO122001 10.00 Ruddy duck5.00Cyntie Fisher  25.00 150.00
CO132002 10.00 Common goldeneye5.00Cyntie Fisher  25.00 150.00
CO142003 10.00 Canvasback5.00Cynthie Fisher  25.00 150.00
CO152004 10.00 Snow goose5.00Jeffrey Klinefelter  25.00 150.00
CO162005 10.00 Shoveler5.00Jeffrey Klinefelter  25.00
CO172006 10.00 Ring-necked Duck5.00Michael Ashman  25.00
CO182007 10.00 Hooded merganser0.00Jeffery Klinefelter  25.00
CO192008 10.00 Lesser scaup0.00  25.00
CO202009 10.00 Barrow's goldeneye0.00Craig Fairbert  25.00
CO212010 10.00 Pintail0.00Richard Clifton  25.00
CO222011 9.00 Green-winged teal0.00Richard Clifton  25.00
CO232012 9.00 Ross' goose0.00R. Clifton 
CO242013 9.00 Greater scaup0.00 
CO252014 9.00 Canada goose0.00Richard Clifton 
CO262015 9.00 Wood duck0.00Richard Clifton 
CO272016 10.00 Mallard0.00 
CO282017 13.00 Redhead0.00 
CO292018 13.00 Ring-necked duck0.00 
CO302019 15.00 Pintail0.00 
CO312020 13.00 Canvasback0.00 
CO322021 13.00 Cinnamon teal0.00Dan Andrews 

Hunter Stamps
CO1h1990 12.00
CO2h1991 15.00
CO3h1992 10.00
CO4h1993 12.00
CO5h1994 12.00
CO6h1995 12.00
CO7h1996 12.00
CO8h1997 10.00
CO9h1998 10.00
CO10h1999 10.00
CO11h2000 10.00
Governor Edition Stamps
See complete list of Governor Edition stamps
CO1G1990 60.00 Roy Romer (D)
CO1G(s)1990 150.00 Hand-signed by Romer
CO2G1991 60.00 Roy Romer
CO2G(s)1991 185.00 Hand-signed by Romer
CO3G1992 60.00 Roy Romer
CO3G(s)1992 125.00 Hand-signed by Romer
CO4G1993 60.00 Roy Romer
CO4G(s)1993 125.00 Hand-signed by Romer

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