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... there are 78 federal duck stamps, and only two women has ever won. Do you know the artist and the year?
Nancy Howe, RW58 for the 1991 stamp, and Sherrie Russel Meline with the 2006 stamp, RW73. Nancy is also a model for Orvis Company catalogs, and a sheep farmer!
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Federal Duck Stamps
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Please Note:

 Click Here for PSE Graded Stamps Now In Stock
Scott Federal & State Duck Stamp Album
Complete Set - Scott is our most popular album for collecting federal and state single stamps.
Approximately 200 pages, with some blank provided, 3 ring binder slipcase plus three packs of pre-cut mounts (please specify black or clear).
Everything you need!
Current through 2009, the 2010 pages will be available in July 2011.
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