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The first state pictoral duck stamp was issued in 1971 by California, but who issued the first ever state stamp with text format and when?

Ohio, 1937-38 for Lake Pymatuning; series discontinued after 1945.
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State Duck Stamps

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Cat. No.







Est. Print

AK11985 10.00 Emperor goose5.00Daniel Smith  25.00 700.00
AK21986 9.00 Steller's eider5.00James Meger  25.00 500.00
AK31987 9.00 Spectacled eider5.00Carl Branson  25.00 225.00
AK41988 9.00 Trumpeter swan5.00Jim Beaudoin  25.00 200.00
AK51989 9.00 Barrow’s goldeneye5.00Richard Timm  25.00 200.00
AK61990 9.00 Oldsquaw5.00Louis Frisino  25.00 200.00
AK71991 9.00 Snow goose5.00Ron Louque  25.00 250.00
AK81992 9.00 Canvasback5.00Fred Thomas  25.00 250.00
AK91993 12.00 Tule white-fronted goose5.00Ed Tussey  25.00 200.00
AK101994 20.00 Harlequin5.00George Lockwood  30.00 200.00
AK111995 19.00 Pacific brant5.00Cynthie Fisher  30.00 200.00
AK121996 22.00 Aleutian Canada goose5.00Wilhelm Goebel  200.00
AK131997 15.00 King eider5.00George Lockwood  25.00 155.00
AK141998 12.00 Barrow’s goldeneye5.00Robert Steiner  30.00 155.00
AK151999 11.00 Northern pintail5.00Sherrie Russell Meline  30.00 150.00
AK162000 17.00 Common eider5.00Adam Grimm  150.00
AK172001 12.00 American Wigeon5.00Greg Alexander  25.00 150.00
AK182002 12.00 Black scoter5.00Robert Steiner  150.00
AK192003 10.00 Lesser Canada goose5.00Adam Grimm 
AK202004 10.00 Lesser scaup5.00Cynthie Fisher  25.00
AK212005 10.00 Hooded merganser5.00Don Moore  25.00
AK222006 10.00 Pintail/Green-winged Teal/Mallard5.00Robert Steiner  30.00
AK232007 10.00 Shoveler0.00George Lockwood  25.00
AK242008 10.00 Pintail0.00Robert Steiner  30.00
AK252009 10.00 Mallard0.00Robert Steiner  30.00
AK262010Pintail0.00Sue Steinacher 
AK272011 9.00 Canada goose0.00Sue Steinacher  25.00
AK282012 9.00 Harlequin0.00 
AK292013 9.00 White-fronted goose0.00 
AK302014 9.00 White-winged scoter0.00Milo Burcham 
AK312015 9.00 Pintail0.00 
AK322016 8.00 Brant0.00 
AK332017 13.50 Wigeon0.00 
AK342018 13.50 Bufflehead0.00 
AK352019 15.00 Emperor goose0.00 
AK372021 15.00 Ring-necked duck0.00 
AK382022 15.00 Minima Cackling goose0.00Tasha DiMarzio 

Hunter Stamps
AK3h1987 9.00
AK4h1988 8.00
AK5h1989 8.00
AK6h1990 9.00
AK7h1991 8.00
AK8h1992 9.00
AK9h1993 10.00
AK10h1994 15.00
AK11h1995 20.00
AK12h1996 20.00
AK13h1997 16.00
AK14h1998 12.00
AK15h1999 11.00
AK16h2000 10.00
AK17h2001 10.00
AK18h2002 10.00
AK19h2003 12.00
AK20h2004 10.00
AK21h2005 8.00
AK22h2006 8.00
AK23h2007 8.00
AK24h2008 8.00
AK25h2009 8.00
AK27h2011 8.00
AK28h2012 8.00
AK29h2013 8.00
AK30h2014 8.00
AK31h2015 8.00
AK32h2016 8.00
AK33h2017 13.50
AK34h2018 13.50
AK35h2019 15.00
AK36h2020 15.00
AK37h2021 15.00
AK38h2022 15.00
Governor Edition Stamps
See complete list of Governor Edition stamps
AK5G1989 95.00 Steve Cowper (D)
AK5G(s)1989 250.00 Hand-signed by Cowper
AK10G1994 90.00 Walter Hickel I
AK10G(s)1994 135.00 Hand-signed by Hickel
AK14G(s)1998 POR Hand-signed by Tony Knowles (D)
AK22G(s)2006 POR Palin
AK18G(s)2002 POR Knowles
AK18G(s)2002 POR Hand-signed by Knowles
AK23G(s)2007 POR Palin

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