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MONTANA 1992 ERROR! One of the wood duck hens was painted with a solid green head! This error occurs only once in a sheet of 30, and only 700 examples exist. Order MT7c Cost $50 sgl. or MT7cp $75 for plate block. (less 10%)
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State Duck Stamps

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Cat. No.







Est. Print

LA11989 10.00 Blue-winged teal5.00David Noll  25.00 250.00
LA1A1989 12.50 Non-resident8.00David Noll  30.00
LA21990 10.00 Green-winged teal5.00Elton Louviere  25.00 200.00
LA2A1990 12.50 Non-resident8.00Elton Louviere  30.00
LA31991 10.00 Wood duck5.00Brett Smith  25.00 200.00
LA3A1991 12.50 Non-resident8.00Brett Smith  30.00
LA41992 10.00 Pintail5.00Bruce Heard  25.00 175.00
LA4A1992 15.00 Non-resident8.00Bruce Heard  30.00
LA51993 10.00 American wigeon5.00Ron Louque  25.00 175.00
LA5A1993 15.00 Non-resident8.00Ron Louque  30.00
LA61994 10.00 Mottled duck5.00Don Edwards  25.00 300.00
LA6A1994 15.00 Non-resident8.00Don Edwards  30.00
LA71995 10.00 White-fronted goose5.00John Bertrand  25.00 150.00
LA7A1995 15.00 Non-resident7.50John Bertrand  30.00
LA81996 15.00 Gadwall5.00Ron Louque  25.00 150.00
LA8A1996 18.00 Non-resident7.50Ron Louque  30.00
LA91997 15.00 Ring-necked duck5.00Rick Hall  25.00 155.00
LA9A1997 20.00 Non-resident14.00Rick Hall  30.00
LA101998 10.00 Mallard6.00R. C. Davis  25.00 155.00
LA10A1998 20.00 Non-resident14.00R. C. Davis  30.00
LA111999 10.00 Snow goose6.00Ron Louque  155.00
LA11A1999 20.00 Non-resident14.00Ron Louque 
LA122000 10.00 Lesser scaup6.00Jude Brunet  25.00 155.00
LA12A2000 35.00 Non-resident25.00Jude Brunet  40.00
LA132001 10.00 Shoveler5.50Edward Murrell Butler  25.00 155.00
LA13A2001 35.00 Non-resident25.00Edward Murrell Butler  40.00
LA142002 10.00 Canvasback5.50Reggie McLeroy  25.00 155.00
LA14A2002 35.00 Non-resident25.00Reggie McLeroy  40.00
LA152003 10.00 Redhead5.50Dale Pousson  25.00 155.00
LA15A2004 35.00 Non-resident25.00Dale Pousson  40.00
LA162004 10.00 Hooded merganser5.50Jeffrey Klinefelter  25.00 155.00
LA16A2004 30.00 Non-resident25.00Jeffrey Klinefelter  40.00
LA172005 10.00 Black lab0.00Ken Michaelsen 
LA17A2005 30.00 Black lab0.00Ken Michaelsen  100.00
LA182006 10.00 Yellow Lab/Mallard0.00Eddie Suthoff  25.00
LA18A2006 30.00 Yellow Lab/Mallard0.00Eddie Suthoff  40.00
LA192007 10.00 Chocolate Lab0.00Tony Bernard  25.00
LA19A2007 30.00 Chocolate Lab0.00Tony Bernard  40.00
LA202008 15.00 Golden retriever0.00Jeffrey Klinefelter  25.00
LA20A2008 30.00 Non-resident0.00Jeffrey Klienfelter  40.00
LA212009 10.00 Ches. Bay retriever0.00Anthony Padgett  25.00
LA21A2009 30.00 Non-resident0.00  40.00
LA222010 10.00 Pintail0.00Richard Clifton  25.00
LA22A2010 30.00 Non-resident0.00  40.00
LA232011Wood duck0.00Wes Dewey 
LA23A2011 30.00 Non-resident0.00  40.00
LA242012 9.00 Wigeon0.00Jeffrey Klinefelter  25.00
LA24A2012 30.00 Non-resident0.00  40.00
LA252013 9.00 Mallard0.00  25.00
LA25A2013 30.00 Non-resident0.00  40.00
LA262014 9.00 White-fronted goose0.00Tony Bernard  25.00
LA26A2014 28.00 Non-resident0.00  40.00
LA272015 9.00 Blue-winged teal0.00Guy Crittenden 
LA27A2015 28.00 Non-resident0.00Guy Crittenden 
LA28A2016 28.50 Non-resident0.00 
LA292017Green-winged teal0.00 
LA29A2017 28.50 Non-resident0.00 
LA302018 8.50 Canvasback0.00 
LA30A2018 28.50 Non-resident0.00 
LA312019 10.00 Shoveler0.00 
LA31A2019 29.00 Non-resident0.00 
LA322020 10.00 Ring-necked duck0.00 
LA32A2020 29.50 Non-resident0.00 
LA332021 10.00 Mottled duck0.00John Nelson Harris 
LA33A2021 29.50 Non-resident0.00John Nelson Harris 
LA342022 10.00 Fulvous whistling duck0.00Elaine Erickson 
LA34A2022 29.50 Non-resident0.00 

Governor Edition Stamps
See complete list of Governor Edition stamps
LA1G1989 195.00 Buddy Romer (D)
LA1G(s)1989 550.00 Hand-signed by Romer
LA10G1998 POR Murphy Foster, Jr. (R)
LA10G(s)1998 350.00 Hand-signed by Foster
LA1GA1989 195.00 Buddy Roemer (D)
LA1GA(s)1989 550.00 Hand-signed by Roemer
LA10GA1998 POR Murphy Foster, Jr. (R)
LA10GA(s)1998 350.00 Hand-signed by Foster

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