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Vermont's first stamp issued in 1986, Wood Ducks by Jim Killen, exists imperforate? Only two sheets of 30 are believed to exist! We have a few pairs at $125 each. Order VT1a
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State Duck Stamps

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Cat. No.







Est. Print

MA11974 15.00 Wood duck decoy1.00Milton Weiler • 1600.00
MA21975 12.00 Pintail decoy1.00Tom Hennessey  1700.00
MA31976 12.00 Canada goose decoy1.00William Tyner • 900.00
MA41977 12.00 Common goldeneye decoy1.00William Tyner • 4500.00
MA51978 15.00 Black duck decoy1.00William Tyner • 600.00
MA61979 15.00 Ruddy turnstone decoy1.00Randy Julius  25.00 600.00
MA71980 15.00 Oldsquaw decoy1.00John Eggert  25.00 900.00
MA81981 15.00 Red-breasted merganser decoy1.00Randy Julius  25.00 250.00
MA91982 15.00 Greater yellow leg decoy1.00John Eggert  25.00 550.00
MA101983 15.00 Redhead decoy1.00Randy Julius  25.00 650.00
MA111984 15.00 White-winged scoter decoy1.00Joseph Cibula  1000.00
MA121985 12.00 Ruddy duck decoy1.00Randy Julius  25.00 300.00
MA131986 12.00 Greater scaup decoy1.00Bob Piscatori  25.00 500.00
MA141987 12.00 Wigeon decoy decoy1.00Peter Baedita  25.00 500.00
MA151988 12.00 Mallard decoy1.00Bob Piscatori  25.00 500.00
MA161989 12.00 Canada goose decoy1.00Lou Barnicle  25.00 250.00
MA171990 12.00 Common goldeneye decoy1.00Racket Shreve  25.00 250.00
MA181991 12.00 Canvasback decoy5.00Bob Piscatori  25.00 250.00
MA191992 12.00 Red-bellied plover decoy5.00Randy Julius  25.00 250.00
MA201993 12.00 Red-breasted merganser decoy5.00Donald Little  25.00 250.00
MA211994 12.00 White-winged scoter decoy5.00Sergio Roffo  250.00
MA221995 12.00 Hooded merganser decoy5.00David Brega  25.00 300.00
MA231996 12.00 Common eider decoy5.00Christine Wilkinson  25.00 250.00
MA241997 12.00 Curlew shorebird decoy5.00John Eggert  25.00 150.00
MA251998 12.00 Canada goose decoy5.00Bob Piscatori  150.00
MA261999 12.00 Oldsquaw decoy5.00Virginia Freyermuth  150.00
MA272000 12.00 Red-breasted merganser decoy5.00Randy Julius  25.00 150.00
MA282001 12.00 Black duck decoy5.00Barry Julius  25.00 150.00
MA292002 12.00 Bufflehead5.00Peter Baedita  25.00 150.00
MA302003 12.00 Green-winged teal5.00Bob Piscatori  150.00
MA312004 10.00 Wood duck5.00Larry Denton  25.00 150.00
MA322005 10.00 Oldsquaw5.00Donald Little  25.00
MA332006Long-billed Curlew0.00Randy Julius 
MA342007 20.00 Goldeneye0.00Matthew Shultz  25.00
MA352008 10.00 Black duck0.00Gregg Coppollo  25.00
MA362009 10.00 White-winged scoter0.00Barry Julius 
MA372010 10.00 Canada goose0.00Janice Sexton  25.00
MA382011Brant0.00Randy Julius 

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