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The governers of twenty-five states have authorized legal hunting stamps in very small quantities to raise wetlands funds. Many are also hand-signed by now famous ex-Governers, such as former Attorney General John Ashcroft (MO), Sarah Palin (AK), Arnold Schwarzenegger (CA), and former White House Chief of Staff John Sununu NH. Check each state page for complete listings.
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State Duck Stamps

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Cat. No.







Est. Print

CT11993 12.00 Black duck5.00Tom Hirata  25.00 300.00
CT21994 12.00 Canvasback5.00Rob Leslie  25.00 250.00
CT31995 12.00 Mallard5.00Phillip Crowe  25.00 250.00
CT41996 15.00 Oldsquaw5.00Keith Mueller  25.00 250.00
CT51997 12.00 Green-winged teal5.00Robert Steiner  30.00
CT61998 12.00 Mallard5.00Joe Hautman  25.00 166.00
CT71999 20.00 Canada goose5.00Keith Mueller  25.00 150.00
CT82000 12.00 Wood duck5.00George Lockwood  25.00 150.00
CT92001 12.00 Bufflehead5.00Rob Leslie  25.00 150.00
CT102002 12.00 Lesser scaup / lighthouse5.00Robert Richert  25.00 150.00
CT112003 12.00 Black duck5.00Paul Fusco  25.00 150.00
CT122004Wood duck5.00Paul Fusco  25.00
CT132005 14.00 Mallard5.00Paul Fusco  25.00
CT142006Bufflehead5.00Paul Fusco  25.00
CT152007 16.00 Black duck decoy0.00Keith Mueller  25.00
CT162008 16.00 Common goldeneye0.00  25.00
CT172009 16.00 Black Duck0.00Clint Herdman  30.00
CT182010Common goldeneye0.00Clint Herdman  30.00
CT192012 17.50 Pintail0.00 
CT202013 17.50 Wood duck0.00  30.00
CT212014 16.50 Hooded merganser0.00John Brennan  30.00
CT222015 16.50 Shoveler0.00Guy Crittenden 
CT232016 16.00 Atlantic brant0.00 
CT242017 20.00 Canvasback/lighthouse0.00 
CT252018 20.00 Surf scoter/Saybrook Jetty & lighthouse0.00 
CT262019 22.00 Bufflehead/Barn Island0.00 
CT272020 22.50 Wood duck0.00 
CT282021 22.50 Canada goose0.00Julia Phillips 
CT292022 22.50 Wood duck0.00Sophie Archer 

Hunter Stamps
CT1h1993 12.00
CT1hp1993 24.00
CT2h1994 10.00
CT2hp1994 20.00
CT3h1995 15.00
CT3hp1995 30.00
CT4h1996 15.00
CT4hp1996 30.00
CT5h1997 10.00
CT6h1998 10.00
CT7h1999 19.00
CT8h2000 10.00
Governor Edition Stamps
See complete list of Governor Edition stamps
CT1G1993 75.00 Lowell Welcker (I)
CT1G(s)1993 150.00 Hand-signed by Welcker
CT5G1997 100.00 John Rowland (R)
CT5G(s)1997 125.00 Hand-signed by Rowland
CT5Gi(s)1997 POR Imperforate pair
CT6G(s)1998 POR Hand-signed by Rowland
CT7G(s)1999 POR Hand-signed by Rowland
CT8G(s)2000 425.00 Hand-signed by Rowland
CT9G(s)2001 425.00 Hand-signed by Rowland
CT10G(s)2002 POR Hand-signed by Rowland

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