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MONTANA 1992 ERROR! One of the wood duck hens was painted with a solid green head! This error occurs only once in a sheet of 30, and only 700 examples exist. Order MT7c Cost $50 sgl. or MT7cp $75 for plate block. (less 10%)
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State Duck Stamps

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Cat. No.







Est. Print

OK11980 45.00 Pintail4.00Patrick Sawyer  750.00
OK21981 25.00 Canada goose4.00Hoyt Smith  35.00 200.00
OK31982 10.00 Green-winged teal4.00Jeffrey Frey  25.00 135.00
OK41983 10.00 Wood duck4.00Gerald Mobley  25.00 185.00
OK51984 8.00 Ring-necked duck4.00Hoyt Smith  25.00 130.00
OK61985 8.00 Mallard4.00Gerald Mobley  25.00 175.00
OK71986 10.00 Snow goose4.00Hoyt Smith  25.00 129.00
OK81987 7.50 Canvasback4.00Rayburn Foster  25.00 175.00
OK91988 7.50 Wigeon4.00Jim Gaar  25.00 150.00
OK101989 7.50 Redhead4.00Wanda Mumm  25.00 175.00
OK111990 7.50 Hooded merganser4.00Ron Louque  25.00 150.00
OK121991 7.50 Gadwall4.00R. T. Foster  25.00 150.00
OK131992 7.50 Lesser scaup4.00Jeffrey Mobley  25.00 150.00
OK141993 7.50 White-fronted goose4.00Jerome Hageman  25.00 175.00
OK151994 7.50 Blue-winged teal4.00Richard Kirkman  25.00 150.00
OK161995 7.50 Ruddy duck4.00Richard Clifton  25.00 140.00
OK171996 7.50 Bufflehead4.00Greg Everhart  25.00 140.00
OK181997 7.50 Common goldeneye4.00Mark Anderson  25.00 140.00
OK191998 7.50 Shoveler4.00Jeffrey Klinefelter  25.00 140.00
OK201999 18.00 Canvasback4.00Hoyt Smith  25.00
OK212000 8.00 Pintail4.00Paul Makuchal  25.00 140.00
OK222001 8.00 Canada goose4.00David Brevick  25.00 140.00
OK232002 8.00 Green-winged teal4.00Brian Blight  25.00 140.00
OK242003 14.00 Wood duck10.00Mark Anderson  29.00 140.00
OK252004 14.00 Mallard10.00Scot Storm  29.00 140.00
OK262005 14.00 Snow Goose0.00Jeffrey Klinefelter  29.00
OK272006 14.00 Wigeon0.00James Hublick  29.00
OK282007 14.00 Redhead0.00Jeffrey Hoff  25.00
OK292008 14.00 Mallard/ chocolate lab0.00Russ Duerksen  25.00
OK302009 14.00 Gadwall0.00Timothy Turenne  25.00
OK312010 14.00 Ring-necked Duck0.00John Brennan  25.00
OK322011 14.00 Blue-winged teal0.00George Lockwood  25.00
OK332012 14.00 White-fronted goose0.00 
OK342013 14.00 Common goldeneye0.00 
OK352014 14.00 Canvasback0.00Shea Meyer 
OK362015 14.00 Pintail0.00Guy Crittenden 
OK372016 13.50 Mallard0.00 
OK382017 14.00 Green-wigned teal0.00 
OK392018 14.00 Shoveler0.00 
OK402019Wood duck0.00 
OK412020 14.50 Canada goose0.00 
OK422021 14.50 Wigeon0.00Kelly Kadlec 
OK432022 14.50 Bufflehead0.00Mikel Donahue 

Hunter Stamps
OK5h1984 8.00
OK6h1985 8.00
OK7h1986 10.00
OK8h1987 7.50
OK9h1988 7.50
OK10h1989 7.50
OK11h1990 7.50
OK12h1991 7.50
OK13h1992 7.50
OK14h1993 7.50
OK15h1994 7.50
OK16h1995 7.50
OK17h1996 7.50
OK18h1997 7.50
OK19h1998 7.50
Governor Edition Stamps
See complete list of Governor Edition stamps
OK10G1989 110.00 Henry Bellman (R)
OK10G(s)1989 275.00 Hand-signed by Bellman

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