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ARKANSAS has issued mint proof examples of all their stamps? Series began in 1981 and continues today. All exist in pairs except 1983, as these were all cut into singles by the publisher.
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State Duck Stamps

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Cat. No.







Est. Print

AZ11987 9.00 Pintail5.50Daniel Smith  25.00 200.00
AZ21988 11.00 Green-winged teal5.50Sherrie Russell  25.00 175.00
AZ31989 10.00 Cinnamon teal5.50Robert Steiner  30.00 200.00
AZ41990 12.00 Canada goose5.50Ted Blaylock  25.00 150.00
AZ51991 10.00 Blue-winged teal5.50Brian Jarvi  25.00 150.00
AZ61992 10.00 Bufflehead5.50Sherrie Russell Meline  150.00
AZ71993 12.00 Mexican duck5.50Sherrie Russell Meline  25.00 150.00
AZ81994 12.00 Mallard5.50Harry Adamson  175.00
AZ91995 12.00 Wigeon5.50Sherrie Russell Meline  25.00 150.00
AZ101996 11.00 Canvasback5.50Larry Hayden  50.00 150.00
AZ111997 12.00 Gadwall5.50Sherrie Russell Meline  25.00 150.00
AZ121998 12.00 Wood duck5.50Sherrie Russell Meline  25.00 135.00
AZ131999 12.00 Snow goose5.50Sherrie Russell Meline  25.00 135.00
AZ142000 12.00 Ruddy duck7.50Sherrie Russell Meline  25.00 135.00
AZ152001 12.00 Redhead7.50Sherrie Russell Meline  25.00 135.00
AZ162002 12.00 Ring-necked duck7.50Sherrie Russell Meline  25.00 135.00
AZ172003 12.00 Northern shoveler7.50Sherri Russell Meline  25.00 135.00
AZ182004 12.00 Lesser scaup7.50Sherri Russell Meline  25.00 135.00
AZ192005 11.00 Pintail7.50Tom Finley  25.00
AZ202006 11.00 Canada Goose7.50Tom Finley  25.00
AZ212007 12.00 Wood duck0.00Sherrie Russell Meline  25.00
AZ222008 12.00 Canvasback0.00Sherrie Russell Meline  25.00
AZ232009 12.00 Hooded Merganser0.00S. R. Meline  25.00
AZ23J2009 175.00 Wigeon0.00Olivia Raiff 
AZ242010Green-winged Teal0.00S. R. Meline  25.00
AZ24J2010 135.00 Green-winged Teal0.00Taylor Forbeck 
AZ252011 12.00 Bufflehead0.00S. R. Meline  25.00
AZ25J2011 55.00 Wood duck0.00Sidney Kim 
AZ262012 14.00 Wigeon0.00S.R. Meline 
AZ26J2012 14.00 Mallard0.00Enoch Stuart 
AZ272013 12.00 Pintail0.00 
AZ27J2013 12.00 Fulvous Whistling Duck0.00 

Hunter Stamps
AZ1h1987 9.00
AZ2h1988 12.00
AZ3h1989 10.00
AZ4h1990 12.00
AZ5h1991 10.00
AZ6h1992 10.00
AZ7h1993 12.00
AZ8h1994 12.00
AZ9h1995 12.00
AZ10h1996 10.00
AZ11h1997 12.00
AZ12h1998 12.00
AZ13h1999 12.00
AZ14h2000 11.00
AZ15h2001 10.00
AZ16h2002 10.00
AZ17h2003 14.00
AZ18h2004 12.50
AZ19h2005 10.50
AZ21h2007 11.50
AZ22h2008 11.50
AZ23h2009 14.75
AZ24h2010 14.75
AZ25h2011 14.75
AZ26h2012 14.75
AZ27h2013 14.75
Governor Edition Stamps
See complete list of Governor Edition stamps
AZ3G1989 60.00 Rose Mofford (D)
AZ3G(s)1989 125.00 Hand-signed by Mofford.
AZ4G1990 75.00 Rose Mofford
AZ4G(s)1990 175.00 Hand-signed by Mofford
AZ5G1991 75.00 Fife Symington (R)
AZ5G(s)1991 150.00 Hand-signed by Symington
AZ6G1992 75.00 Fife Symington
AZ6G(s)1992 150.00 Hand-signed by Symington
AZ7G1993 75.00 Fife Symington
AZ7G(s)1993 150.00 Hand-signed by Symington
AZ8G1994 75.00 Fife Symington
AZ8G(s)1994 150.00 Hand-signed by Symington
AZ9G1995 75.00 Fife Symington
AZ9G(s)1995 150.00 Hand-signed by Symington
AZ10G1996 75.00 Fife Symington
AZ10G(s)1996 175.00 Hand-signed by Symington
AZ11G1997 75.00 Jane Dee Hull (R)
AZ11G(s)1997 150.00 Hand-signed by Hull
AZ12G1998 POR Jane Dee Hull
AZ12G(s)1998 150.00 Hand-signed by Hull
AZ13G1999 75.00 Jane Dee Hull
AZ13G(s)1999 150.00 Hand-signed by Hull
AZ14G2000 75.00 Jane Dee Hull
AZ14G(s)2000 150.00 Hand-signed by Hull
AZ15G2001 75.00 Jane Dee Hull
AZ15G(s)2001 150.00 Hand-signed by Hull
AZ16G2002 75.00 Jane Dee Hull
AZ16G(s)2002 150.00 Hand-signed by Hull
AZ17G2003 75.00 Jane Dee Hull
AZ17G(s)2003 150.00 Hand-signed by Hull
AZ16G(s)2002 150.00 Signed by Hull
AZ18G2004 95.00 Napolitano
AZ18G(s)2004 150.00 Signed
AZ19G2005 POR Napolitano
AZ19G(s)2005 POR Signed
AZ20G2006 75.00 Napolitano
AZ20G(s)2006 125.00 Signed
AZ21G2007 75.00 Napolitano
AZ21G(s)2007 125.00 Napolitano

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