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UK's Wetlands Trust preserves waterfowl
If you are in England on business or vacation, plan to take an extra day to visit the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, located 90 miles west of London at Slimbride. Founded in 1846 by ornithologist-artist Sir Peter Scott, the Wildfowl Trust has the largest living collection of the world’s waterfowl, including 180 species of ducks, geese, and swans, from six continents. More than 1 million people visit the site each year to observe the birds in carefully managed natural habitats. Interpretive exhibits describe the life histories of the birds, with particular attention given to species with declining populations and threatened habitats. In addition to educating the public, the Wildfowl trust raises funds to support waterfowl research projects and preserve critical wetlands in parts of the world where little funding is available for wildlife conservation, such as Eastern Europe and Asia. For more information, write: The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge, Gloucester, GL2 7BT England.
John Motoviloff in Ducks Unlimited
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