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Tid-bits ...
News Item on BBC Teletext.
A parade of ducks, which has waddled in single file through a village every day for more than two years, is being forced off the streets.
The ducks visit the fruit shop in Dore, South Yorkshire, for leftovers each day before moving on to the delicatessen where they beg for scraps.
But now the dog warden says they are a traffic hazard and must be stopped. He has told the owner he will be fined £30 a duck if they return.
In our last issue, we stated that until Jim Hautman won the federal contest in 1989, Ron Jenkins was the youngest contest winner. Jenkins was 32 at the time his painting was selected to be RW32.
In 1949, Roger Preuss was 26 years old, when his painting was chosen to become RW16. Although this was an honorary invitational competition, it was still a competition against top artists.
In 1954, Harvey Sandstrom was 28 in an open national competition, when his artwork was chosen to become RW21.
Our thanks to Harvey Sandstrom for this information.
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