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2000 Archives
A Hautman does it again – this time it’s Bob!
Minnesota teen wins Junior Duck Stamp Contest
New federal error discovered!
Duck stamps changing with new technology
Washington missing duck stamps
New show labels issued
Israel discontinues duck stamp program
Federal designs have some interesting stories – trivia
Ex-Oilers guard tells Daffy story
Duck Details: Buffleheads
Collectors Shell Out for Decoys
Art teacher wins contest
RW67 featured in Linn’s Interactive Poll
Coming attractions – States plan for 2001
Rhode Island continues lighthouse series
Georgia discontinues duck stamp program
Duck stamp "award" sparks debate
Duck stamp news from the United Kingdom
Ohio College Student Makes History as Youngest Person Ever to Win Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest
Illinois teenager takes First Place in Junior Duck Stamp Contest
Bob Dumaine's 1999 State Duck Stamp Awards
Ira Cotton NDSCS President
Rhode Island begins lighthouse series
1999 Lower Brule Indian Reservation
Maynard Reece - The man behind the stamps
Lawrence wins 2000 Michigan contest
UK's Wetlands Trust preserves waterfowl
1999 Georgia Stamp Location had long history
... And we keep the animals in cages!
Norlien wins Minnesota Contest
'Duckling' theft ruffles feathers - City feeling a little down over swiping of popular statue
Tid-bits ...
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